Discover how secure your network really is

with our Health Check

We all understand the cyber security risk... don't we? Almost all businesses are aware of the necessity to protect themselves from cyber attacks and the implications that breaches can have on customers, reputation and the ongoing viability of a business.  It feels like every day we are reading a new article highlighting the latest security breach and the negative consequences that companies of all sizes are experiencing as a result.All businesses should have these risks firmly on their radar, but even if they do, how effective are their security controls to prevent a breach?  

This is a question ditno poses to all of our clients and the answers are surprising.

the problem

Getting on the same page

Explaining network security, data governance and risk/regulatory responsibilities is a tough gig. Business leaders understand the criticality and importance of protecting critical assets, but evaluating how effective the provisions are becomes incredibly technical and lets face it, most folk glaze over at this point.

To help with this challenge, we use a house metaphor to explain the problems businesses face and how ditno alleviates these - simply and effectively.

Floor plan with entry points circled in red.

Imagine your network as the ground floor of a house

• The perimeter is like the external facing attack surface of your network.

• Each external window and door is an entry point into your network.

• Each room is an application that your business is using every day.

Floor plan of two specific rooms circled in red and connected with a blue arrow

Most orgs don't collate a single view of their application

• This means they cannot definitively articulate how many rooms that they actually have.

• They know they have rooms but aren't able to show where they are, or how they are accessed.

• Or how they are linked or access from each other.

Floor plan with access points circled in red, and a red X between two rooms.

Security efforts primarily focus on stopping entry to the house

• Securing the doors and windows is where almost all security is focused.

• However, once the burglar is in, they can freely roam from room to room.

• If you cannot map your rooms onto a floorplan then you cannot be managing access effectively.

Floor plan showing all access points blocked off.

Restricting entry to each room is the ultimate security system

• The ditno Health Check delivers you a comprehensive list of rooms (applications).

• It builds a floor plan of all entry points and for each room (application)

• Builds room level security, requiring attackers to have to break into each room.

• Real-time reporting, which delivers the most comprehensive ongoing governance model possible.

the solution

the ditno Health Check

ditno have spent years refining an approach to give businesses the power to manage all of these inherent challenges as simply and effectively as possible and we have cracked it – with many satisfied clients leveraging our capability and being put in control of their security exposure. We always start our engagement by delivering a network Health Check, which delivers the following:

Identifies the number of applications you have
Labels each of them with the levels of risk they pose your business if compromised
Provides a real time overview of how all these applications are interconnected and the flow of data access across your organisation
Pinpoints where critical assets and data are exposed
Screenshot of a report showing what assets are exposed

A powerful visual representation of your security measures

The Health Check provides a snapshot of your risk exposure and where critical and non-critical assets are potentially not being managed appropriately.  This is the baseline required to provide assurance of your current security position – both for your protection and compliance/risk management requirements. Secondly, we can then simply turn on the ditno live solution – which then tracks and monitors all of these elements in real time – allowing real time management of these exposures.  This means when new additions or changes are made, ditno live will then prevent further risk exposures and keep comprehensive governance in tact.

Get started today

Ready to strengthen your security controls?

Connect with us to explain our approach and the steps we take together to deliver a comprehensive Health Check for your business.